Domiciliary care software has numerous benefits that can help improve the overall efficiency of your home care agency.
One of the primary advantages is that it simplifies scheduling and time management for caregivers, enabling them to easily keep track of their tasks and appointments.
Another significant benefit is improved communication between caregivers, clients, and family members.
The software allows real-time updates on client status and progress, ensuring everyone involved in care delivery stays informed about any changes or updates.
With domiciliary care software, you can also enhance data management capabilities by automating data entry processes such as recording clinical information or medications taken by clients.
This helps reduce errors in documentation while increasing accuracy levels. Furthermore, by streamlining administrative functions like invoicing and billing through domiciliary care software system integration with accounting tools, you can save time spent on manual paperwork processing.
Absolutely. We believe we have created the most comprehensive domiciliary care management system on the market today.
We cover the whole care process from customer take-on, advanced care plans and visit management through to detailed observations management and meds recording all in one, easy to use system that puts you in full control of the care you provide.
Our domiciliary home care system enables you to evidence the support you are giving is safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led in line with the Care Quality Commission Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE’s).
Not only do we manage the care, we manage the finances with fully configurable invoicing and payroll extracts.
To complete the end-to-end functionality, we include a family portal for loved ones to keep up to date with the great services being provided.
No, the system is completely web based for the administration and management teams. All you need is a computer or device with Google Chrome web browser and carers use the app on their mobile phones.
The Domiciliary Home Care Software is owned by Carebeans Limited. We are a UK based care software design and development company, that is challenging the norm with software created from the ground up for ease of use and all the functionality needed to run both care home and domiciliary care businesses.
We have 100’s of customers using our software supporting 1,000’s of service users with 1,000,000’s of data transactions daily.
We have a monthly subscription model for the licencing of our software based upon the number of Service Users you care for.
There are no “hidden” charges for the number of carers or administrators you have in the business.